Tuesday, May 26, 2009

And I Didn't Even Realize....

I'm a poet. Not a very good one, but that's okay. I just do it to get things out..and it's a little embarrassing...because the things that come out aren't necessarily pleasant or pretty.....but that's kind of the point.
So, I can't say that I really like my poetry in general, but there are a few that I like...ones that came out of me alright. The best ones are very succinct little thoughts. And sometimes they're self-explanatory. Here's one I'm not too ashamed of. I wrote it two years ago...


works I write

are questions

only answered

by time

Not that it's anything really special, but you can go ahead and feel happy to be a person who's read my poetry...because I'm very private about it. This is a really hard thing for me...as silly as that is. Let's try another little one. This one I wrote in 2006...

I dreamed

that everything

was falling apart

I woke up

and it was

This is a little painful...but I'm trying to be brave...so here's another from 2006..

my mother says

that I'm good

with kids;

an artist,

and a poet

I wonder

if that's true

I think that's plenty good for now.


J+K said...

Those are wonderful! I especially love the first one! It's lovely:]

Krista said...

I love the hair picture!! It's gorgeous...oh and your pre-school post was awesome, my thoughts exactly. I think you will be a great mom too!