Saturday, May 16, 2009

Some Things

I can't seem to write a blog at a decent hour anymore.
That's probably because my life doesn't start before noon anymore.
This past week I finished up the semester. Not a moment too soon. I was going out of my mind.
I also got my job back at the preschool. I'm not sure why I thought that was a good idea...but it's a job, so I'm grateful. I'm not getting as many hours as last summer, but I'm lucky just to have the job with how bad things are in the economy....and the economy of the preschool. Enrollment is way down. It doesn't bother me much, though. It just means more children with parents. If it means a little less money for me, oh well. I'm glad some child is spending more time with a real mom or dad or family member instead of an institution of strangers whose smells are always fluctuating from bad to worse to bleach to poison.
Okay...enough of that.
Random: I ate three ice-cream sandwiches earlier. I should feel worse about that. Oh well. I'm sure the remorse will set in on my next trip to the mirror or scale...but whatever. I was celebrating.
So...more random: Long before the ice-cream sandwiches happened today, I inflated a baby pool, filled it up and took my 10 month old nephew "swimming" for the first time. He was a little shocked by the cold at first (as everyone is when they first get in the pool) but once he got used to it he went nuts. He had so much fun. :) Beck and Brandon and Grandma were there, but I was the one in the pool with him. He takes to everything so well. He's the most brilliant child ever. I'll probably have ugly idiot children. :( (sorry kids!) Anyway...It was so fun. He's so cute I can hardly stand it. :)


beckaboots said...

doesn't it feel good to have the semester over with? oh man i still am's summer? haha!

Sarah said...

I am so jealous that you guys have a summer break! Bryan is doing the intense graduate-a-bazillion-times-faster-than-anyone-else route, so he gets a week of summer. one. w.e.e.k... as you can tell, I'm thrilled up to my eyeballs.

J+K said...

Mmmm ice cream sandwiches.....:]