Sunday, January 3, 2010

Merry New Year

...thank you for correcting my English, which stinks. :P

Hello all! Hope you had a fantastic new year. More importantly, I hope you keep having a fantastic year long after it's lost its new-ness. :)

I rang in the new year at gameworks with lots of people I don't know, some awesome people I do know, and some moderate playing of games I'm no good at. I obviously went for the company-which was excellent. I spent the whole night mostly just hanging out with one of my best guy friends. Not much for me on the singles front, but it was the first time I'd really gone out in a while so it was fun to get gussied up...even though I just went in jeans and a t-shirt. :P Most of my gussy-ing happens on my face. haha.

New Years day I went for Pupusas with the fam and the afformentioned guy friend. Man, do I love Pupusas!... :P It sure makes the new year look good. :)

So, the new year so far has got yours truly into a bit of a planning frenzy at the moment. School schedule. Lists. Lists. Primary. Lists. Sharing Time. Music Time. Lists.

Speaking of school...As with every semester, I'm way excited. It's the novelty of it. I wish that zeal would stick around, but it tends to wear off in a hurry for me. It's no big surprise that, as with 2009 as a whole, last semester was a disaster for Operation Existence.

A toast to a new semester and a new year:

May the sleep be habitual!
May the food be on purpose!
May the messes be few, far between, and brief!

Dang...those sound kinda resolution-ey...oops...Oh well.

So, some fun goings on:

Last night...or I guess now it would be the night before sisters, cousin Marlee and I had a girls' night. Big success! You rule, Beck! It was beautiful in its simplicity. Homemade peppermint ice cream and Flight of the Conchords. Good stuff.

Also, I'm becoming surprisingly sporty. ...No, really. I'm playing soccer again. My dad's kind of unofficially coaching my family's little recreational soccer group. He's the best. Love you, Daddy! Happy Birthday on Monday!
I've also taken up tennis. Don't worry, I'm not any good. I'm finding some tennis muscles in my arms though. Weird. :P It's fun, though. It's kind of funny to think of me playing tennis when all my tennis-related knowledge comes from either the movie Wimbledon or a cartoon. Still, I'm psyched. :)

So...apart from all that fun, I've been occupying the rest of my time by wasting it-One of my many talents. :) Auto-Tune the News, is probably my favorite time waster at the moment. :) I can, no joke, watch them for hours on end. So far, there are 9 (at times very wordy) episodes and I'm well on my way to memorizing them all. My fanaticism is obvious.

Anyhoo, more Existence and Operations to come.

Happy New Year!

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