Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Old News

It hasn't gotten much better. Forward motion is a little easier, but not much. Right when I think I'm feeling better something figurative and forceful smacks me in the face. I don't want to be sad anymore.....but it gets to me.
I know it's old news now to everyone but me. That bothers me sometimes-Just the insignificance of all of it to everyone. It meant so much to me....but no one else...not even Sam.

"Do I feel sadness?
Do I feel shame?
I'd cover my face now, but all of me has turned to stone
Except one thing
I can't control
Watch it slowly roll down my face
Across my lips-
The lips you loved
Well, stupid me for thinking
I was the only one you ever needed."

1 comment:

bluethrowblanket said...

Don't worry, you're not alone.